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Durham Bird Club at 50

The county avifauna, The Birds of Durham (Bowey and Newsome, 2012) records that “A public meeting in late 1974 at Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery to discuss bird watching and recording was well-attended. This was followed on 8 January 1975 by another meeting and enrolment for membership of the Durham Bird Club began shortly afterwards.”


We shall be organising various projects and events during the year to commemorate this special anniversary. These include a "Bird of the Week" feature, appearing below.


Bird of the Week - Week 6

Brambling – A Bright Winter Visitor



















​​(Photo by Mark Harper)​​​


Winter in County Durham brings with it some wonderful seasonal visitors, and the Brambling is one of the most striking. These handsome little finches, with their orange-washed chests, crisp white bellies, and black-streaked heads, add a splash of colour to our winter landscapes. They’re close relatives of the Chaffinch, and at a quick glance, the two can look similar - but once you’ve spotted a Brambling, you’ll wonder how you ever confused them.


Bramblings arrive here from Scandinavia as the colder months set in, often joining mixed flocks of finches feeding in beech woodlands, farmland hedgerows, and even garden feeders in particularly harsh weather. Unlike some of our winter visitors, their numbers can vary wildly from year to year. Some winters, only a few turn up; in others, we see large influxes when food supplies run low on the continent.


One of the best ways to pick out a Brambling is to watch for that distinctive orange plumage, especially on the shoulders and chest. Their white rumps are another giveaway, flashing brightly as they take flight. And if you’re lucky enough to hear them calling, listen out for a rough, almost raspy “churr,” quite different from the softer tones of a Chaffinch.


Have you spotted any Bramblings in County Durham this year? If so, we’d love to hear about it or to see any images you’ve managed to get! Whether in woodlands, hedgerow or visiting a garden feeder, they’re a welcome sight on a cold winter’s day.


More information on Bramblings



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