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Quick round up - MON 20th Nov '17

male GSW takes a drink - image Tippa Laurie

2Little Auks & a GNDiver went past at Whitburn as did a skein of 70+ Pink footed Geese. Shields Snowbuntings still numbered 4, but NTees Shorelark dropped by one to 3birds.

minimum of 7 Stonechat on Seaton Common, with the same number at Blackhall Rocks, which heldBTDiver & RTDiver

a fem Pochard was fresh in at Watergate pk

Saltholme stole the show today with :- Leo, Water Pipit, Merlin, Green Sandpiper, 2Marsh Harriers, Water Rail, Black tailed Godwit, Starling roost very active well before light.

Further good news from WWT where the #Curlew roost topped 500 today, the day being capped of with several Mistle Thrushes beginning to tune up

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