Newsletter - March 2018
Web Admin note: Apologies for the delay in uploading the regular newsletter; human error due to the Special Edition newsletter also being in circulation for March.
Dear Member
The first new date to announce is that of the Club’s AGM, which will be held at 7.30 p.m.
on Thursday 26th April in the Fire and Rescue Training Centre in Bowburn. This year’s
AGM is particularly important for the Club in that the committee will be proposing the
actions which need to be taken to convert it from an unincorporated association to the
recently-established legal category of Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Among the
advantages of this change are that it will enable the Club to own property and should
make it easier to apply for grants. Full information will be sent by post, as required by the
Constitution, at the beginning of April.
Following the business meeting there will be a social event. Kieran is hoping to book a
speaker but if this is not possible, there will be a quiz.
The Fire Services premises are modern with a fantastic room we can use and machines
for refreshments. It is on the Bowburn South Industrial Estate, less than 1 mile from
junction 61 on the A1(M). Directions from the motorway are to go into Bowburn towards
Durham City, turn L at the traffic lights and keep on to the end of the road. You will pass
the Fire and Rescue Admin centre on your L – ignore this and keep on round sharp R
and L hand bends to the end. There is ample parking.
The Lek
We are now in a position where we have a volunteer to collate and edit articles for The
Lek but we still need someone to format the booklet ready for printing. Ultimately we may
need to consider paying someone to do this but if anyone is willing to volunteer, this
would be most welcome. You can email us at to let us
know if you are interested
Unfortunately it has not been possible to give this the same attention as was previously
the case. The Club does regard it as an important means of communication but again we
would like a volunteer willing to take on the role of administering it. If anyone is willing to
do this, can you please let us know before the AGM again by emailing us at .
This App is also proving popular for giving information to a closed group. Any member
interested in joining it can again email us on
Thursday 15 March 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. - reminder
Lanchester Community Centre, Newbiggin Lane, Lanchester DH7 0NT
Joint DBC/BTO Fieldworkers’ Meeting.
The meeting is not intended only for those who are active fieldworkers at present, but for
all those who feel they may want to participate at some stage, and for those who would
like to know more about current and future surveys and about results from past survey
work. The doors will be open from 6.30 p.m. to allow people to meet other members,
before the presentations begin at 7.30 p.m. The Centre is almost opposite the Black Bull,
and has a generous car park.
The RSPB Durham Local Group is also holding indoor meetings, which are open to non-
members. An admission fee of £1 applies to members and non-members alike.
Tuesday 13 March 7.30 p.m. - reminder
Laurel Avenue Community Centre, Laurel Avenue, Durham DH1 2EY
Mark Pearson Filey International: arrivals and departures at North Yorkshire’s
Bird Observatory
Fasten your seatbelts! Migration never stops at this east coast hotspot - and neither
does Mark in his pursuit of its wonders. Let him take you on a whistlestop tour through
four seasons of high drama at his beloved Filey Bird Observatory. Mark has travelled
extensively over five continents in pursuit of wildlife and has appeared on Springwatch,
Autumnwatch and Natural World.
Field Meeting
Sunday 1 April Souter Lighthouse
Ringing Session organised by the Coastal Conservation Group
It starts at 7.00 a.m. It is understood it will continue until the birds run out!
Please park in the main car park at Whitburn Costal Park (SR6 7NQ) – there is no public
parking in the lighthouse grounds.
Local Field Trips – reminder and update
Provisional dates for other DBC outings remain as in the previous newsletters –
28 April – Upper Weardale and Teesdale
9 June – Muggleswick, and Pow Hill/Derwent Reservoir
14 October – Hartlepool, Seaton, Greatham, Saltholme
and further details will be announced when available.
Projects and Surveys - reminder
The Club’s 2018 surveys on Willow Tit and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker have now been
launched and detailed information is available on the Club website*. After the first month
several interesting sightings of Willow Tit have already been reported, but there is plenty
of scope for wider participation.
We would also encourage Club members to help with BTO and other surveys, some of
which are mentioned on a website at This year, too, it would be
useful to increase Durham’s representation in the BTO’s Heronries Census. This survey
began in 1928 so is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Locally few records have been
submitted – partly because some Durham colonies are small and transient. Evidence
from elsewhere in the country suggests that some heronries are now attracting egrets,
thus adding to the interest. If you would like more information on BTO and other surveys
please contact
Castle Lake - update
The Castle Lake Conservation Group has satisfactorily answered the further questions
asked by the Charity Commissioners about educational issues. It has now been given
charitable status and is still working on leasing the site from the owners.
Other Club matters
As previously stated, we will not be circulating a printed version of this newsletter, but if
you know of any Club member who needs to receive it in that form please let us know.
Finally, a further gentle reminder that subscriptions were due on 1st January. Thank you
to all those of you who have already paid; for the relatively small number who have not
yet done so, a membership form giving current rates is available on the Club website*
under the “Join Us” tab.
*Club website: