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DBC Field Trip information - Hartlepool Headland and Teesmouth Area 14th October 2018

Location: Meet at Spion Kop, Old Cemetery Road, Hartlepool TS24 0HJ.

Parking is available along the road side adjacent to the Cemetery. Those joining the trip can leave cars here for the day to reduce the number of vehicles travelling between the various stops during the day. Meeting time will be 08.30 a.m. and depending on conditions and sightings at the time we will visit various locations between the starting point and RSPB Saltholme Reserve where we will aim to conclude the trip by 3.00pm.

Locations visited may include:

· coastal cliffs, dunes, beaches, piers, breakwaters, docks and ports

· urban parks, cemeteries, waste ground and scrub

· estuarine saltmarsh, mudbanks and wet pasture

· both brackish and freshwater bodies and associated reedbeds

We will aim to see as many different species as possible on the day including any rare migrants that may be passing through at this busy period in the autumn migration season.

Potential exciting birds could include Pallas’s Warbler and Shorelark while there’s a reasonable chance of Yellow Browed Warbler, Black Redstart, Firecrest, Barnacle Goose, Mediterranean Gull, Peregrine, Merlin and Short-eared Owl.

A range of water fowl, waders and other waterside birds as well as various passerines including Twite and winter thrushes might also be possible during the day.

Although outlets for refreshments will be at various locations along the route, a packed lunch is recommended to make the most of the birding opportunities. Warm and waterproof clothing and sturdy footwear will be needed.

Time: 8:30-15:00 (approx.)

Price: Travel will be in members' cars and members may wish to contribute to petrol costs for other members offering lifts. We will ensure that at least one person in every car arriving at RSPB Saltholme is an RSPB member to ensure there are no entry fees to pay.

Who is this trip for?: All are welcome on this trip, DBC members and non-members alike. The aim is for birders - both experienced and those new to the hobby – to get to know one another better, share tips and advice and to get to know good birding locations in the company of others who share their interests.

Who will guide the trip?: The trip will be guided by Durham County Recorder and County Records Sub- Committee Member, Andrew Kinghorn. Andrew’s knowledge of birds and their habitats has been built through years of birding and twitching in the field, both here in the UK and abroad, but primarily in and around County Durham. Andrew’s knowledge is matched only by his enthusiasm, which will make for an interesting and informative day for all.

There is no need to pre-book for this trip but please do contact John Crosby at if you require or can offer transport to and from the start and end points.

We look forward to seeing you at the Old Cemetery at 08:30 on 14th October.


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