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Little Terns need your help!

This year the Little Tern colony has relocated from Crimdon Dene to Seaton Carew and the Little tern partnership is looking for volunteers to help with the wardening effort.

Please consider offering to help safeguard this ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Tees Valley’s coastline.

Breeding activity may continue into August and will extend into the school holidays when Seaton Carew will become especially busy with day-trippers and holidaymakers.  Currently the large site is cordoned off and notices have been put out, but with so many people about a greater conservation presence is needed on a daily basis.  Mandy Bell from Durham Wildlife Trust is coordinating the warden coverage, with support from the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust, Hartlepool Borough Council, Durham Heritage Coast and INCA.  Unfortunately, Seaton Carew car parking charges still apply for volunteers, but funding is being sought to cover this.  Cars can be left for free in the North Gare car park, but that involves a 1 mile walk each way. 

Little Tern is a Schedule 1 legally-protected species, with fines for deliberate disturbance.  Hartlepool Borough Council is liaising with the police who have already responded to one potential offence.  Birders and photographers should observe from a safe distance. 

For further information contact Mandy Bell – 07713 461520. Email:


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