Request for help. BioBlitz Elba Park - 17 & 18 August 2019
Request for help!
BioBlitz Elba Park - 17 & 18 August 2019 12pm-12pm
Email from Becky Vickers Community Project Manager Groundwork NE & Cumbria
"I'm organising a BioBlitz this summer at Elba Park in Sunderland and wondered if someone from the bird club would be able to attend to help us survey our birds. The main event will be from 12 midday 17th August till 12 midday 18th August. We'd like to have a dawn chorus walk as a minimum. We do quite well for ground nesting birds at the park so it would be great to be able to survey them in some way too. We have a small budget for the event so could cover modest expenses or make a donation to your group.
We've also got some funding from Sunderland Council for some basic training for the local community in how to survey and identify different species. Is this something you could also help us with? We are thinking of a couple of hours one evening or weekend, just going through the different ways to survey birds and some ID tips. If you can help here could you let me know how much you'd charge and give me some idea of dates and times that would suit.
Thanks very much
Please let me know if it will be possible to work together."
Volunteers should contact Becky at and please CC in the DBC email address
Thanks you